Touch Around The Earth

The adventures of a massage therapist as she explores touch around the earth. From Chicago to Thailand, Nepal, India and Japan, she will be receiving massage, studying massage, studying and practicing yoga and meditation, and learning about how people around the earth stay healthy and happy.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


As I prepare to leave this beautiful land, I am so grateful for all the gentleness I have experienced here in so many ways. Even though Thai massage is known for its deep touch, there is a gentleness in many of the practitioners touch. In this gentleness, there is an atmosphere of nurturing and acceptance. I believe this comes through the strong Buddhist teachings here that encourage people to be more accepting of life. When someone touches me with acceptance, I feel comfortable, and I can let go of my mind's idea that I should be any different than I am in that moment. I may have thoughts like "I wish my back was looser" or "I really should have meditated today" or "I'm so lazy, I should really exercise more". But when I feel the atmosphere of acceptance, even as the practitioner is assessing my energy and my body and emotions, I can let go.

I felt so nurtured and accepted in the loving hands of Mor Noi, who had the most gentle of all the hands that I felt in Thailand. She is very tuned in to subtle energy, and within a few minutes of working with me, she could sense most of my physical challenges, as well as emotional patterns. And to each thing she discovered, she responded with love and acceptance. She used such a gentle touch to encourage the energy to flow, and I could really feel it! My friend Mary (who I know from Chicago) is now apprenticing with her, so she also had her hands on me, and it was like having these gentle gardeners, encouraging the little weeds to come out and release so that I can plant my the seeds of my dreams and intentions into soil that is clear and fertile. It is amazing what a little gentle love can do.

And speaking of love, I am in awe of the beautiful people that I have spent time with in Chiang Mai! On my last visit with some of them, I was gifted with a tiny gentle hummingbird wing that my friend found near our hostel, and sung and danced through the bamboo walkway off for my journey to India.

Hummingbirds symbolize the ability to stop in the middle of activity and be still, appreciating the wonder and joy of daily life. They also symbolize the ability to to pierce through tough outer shell and sense the inner sweetness. And the twittering, humming sound that they make gives them an internal massage that restores health and balance.

It is wonderful to have so many well wishes for my journey, from the tuk-tuk driver to the acupuncturist to my new friends, the sweet lady at the guesthouse, and all the travelers who have been there before me! Of course it is going to be an amazing journey. I can sense my fears, (as many people describe India as the most intensely challenging country to travel in) and I am acknowledging them, and bringing my awareness back to my breath, and my weight on the ground, and I step forward with confidence that it is all so perfect.

I arrive in Delhi airport tomorrow afternoon and will be picked up by a van service that will bring me directly to the ashram in Rishikesh where I will be studying yoga for a week or more!

I'm sending you all a little gentle hummingbird medicine...

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